Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

amek041 V-Stók "Aquatic Rituals" CS

'Aquatic Rituals' by V-Stók is an ambient album which explores the human connection to water bodies such as rivers, seas and ponds through sound metaphors in which melodic and rhythmic elements float through dense layers of aquatic noise, atmospheres and chaos. On one hand sybmolising an attempt for ecological coexistence with nature and on the other the human strife to build and look for meaning, harmony and symmetry through the organised chaos and immensity of nature.

Production-wise, 'Aquatic Rituals' employs a combination of methods and tools such as: hydrophone and field recordings (from various places in France, Italy, Bulgaria, Iceland, UK), analog and digital synthesis and electro-acoustic performance.

Written & produced by Valentin Doychinov. 
Photography by Jeremy Bishop. 
Artwork designed by bogomi.

Friday, February 14, 2020

amek040 Omori "Embryogensis" CS

Omori is the youngest artist in the Amek ranks and with 'Embryogenesis' he returns to us with a more mature, refined and deeper offering of his muti-dimensional experimental ambient work. The album unfolds within six abstract pieces, built from morphing pads and drones, vocal cuts, cold dub-influenced basslines and silenced percussion. It's carefully arranged, perfectly paced but still raw enough to feel real and dangerous.

All music written & performed by Stoyan Yovchev.
Artwork by Delyo Dobrev.

Monday, February 3, 2020

a-m_e|k p_83 OMORI (tape release) + XI-N & LATE

Omori returns to Amek with a new tape. Celebrating this with a release show at Fabrika Avtonomia. Special guests are XI-N & LATE